Only aggregators can submit a System Owner Change Request. Please contact PTS at if you have questions or concerns.
Initiate the Request
Initiate the request through Manage Change Requests page:
The requester can follow the outlined steps to initiate a System Owner Change
Request via Change Requests tab:
Step 1: Press “Change Requests” on the left navigation tab
Step 2: Select a system in Systems tab
Step 3: Press “Create” button on top of the page
Step 4: Press Create button under “Ownership Contact”
Initiate a Change Request through “View System Information” page:
The requester can follow the outlined steps to initiate a Change Request via Change Requests tab:
Step 1: Press “View System Information” navigation tab
Step 2: Select a system on the grid
Step 3: Press “View System” button on top of the page
Step 4: Press Create A Change Request button on the bottom of the page
Step 5: Press Create button under “Ownership Contact”
Complete the Request
Section 1 - New System Owner Contact:
The requester will have three (options) to complete this section:
Option 1: Press “Use My Contact Information” to make the Change Request requester’s contact
information the new System Owner’s contact.
Option 2: Enter a manual contact in the text input fields
Section 2 - New Certificate Owner Contact
The requester will have four (4) options to complete this section:
Option 1: Select “Yes” to the question “Is Certificate Owner the same as Existing Information?” to
confirm the Certificate Owner’s contact will remain unchanged and match the Existing Info green text
above the contact text fields. If the requester selects Yes, all text fields will automatically fill in the
existing contact information and will not allow further edits. The requester can still undo that by
selecting No.
Option 2: Press “Use My Contact Information” to make the Change Request requester’s contact
information the new Certificate Owner’s contact.
Option 3: Press “Use New System Owner Information” to copy the new System Owner’s contact as the
new Certificate Owner’s contact.
Option 4: Enter a manual contact in the text input fields
Section 3- New System Name
The request has two (2) options to complete this section
Option 1: Select “Yes” to the question “Is System Name the same as Existing Information?” to
confirm the System Name will remain unchanged and match the Existing Info green text above the text
fields. If the requester selects Yes, all text fields will automatically fill in the existing information and will
not allow further edits. The requester can still undo that by selecting No.
Option 2: Enter the new System Name manually in the text fields
Section 4- New Production Reporter Contact
Please refer to Production Reporter Change
Section 5 – Upload Attachments
There are two (2) required attachments prior to submitting an Ownership Change Request
• Document of Ownership Transfer (For example, house purchase agreement, house deed)
• REC Service Agreement
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